Sweet Miso Salad Bouquet
A uniquely special bouquet to enjoy together with your other half.
  • 15 mins
  • Easy
  • Sides
  • 2 Servings


6 cherry tomatos
Half avocado
A bag of mixed green salad
For seasoning, mix
  • 1tsp sweet rice miso or white miso
  • 1tsp mirin
  • 1tsp rice vinegar
  • 1tsp sesame oil
  • 1tsp sesame seeds
Adjust the seasonning to your preferred taste.


  1. Prepare and mix salad vegetables
  2. Make seasoning 
  3. Mix vegetables & seasoing well 
  4. Make a bouquet with wrapping paper & ribbon
  5. Put a piece of food grade paper or small serving plate inside the bouquet
  6. Gently add salad onto the plate
  7. Serve with mint leaves 

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