Kushi Age - Deep Fried Skewers

Crispy panko coated, deep fried skewers of vegetables and seafood. Great to enjoy at parties or with family.

  • 1 hour
  • Medium
  • Sides
  • 1-2 Servings


Serves 1-2

  • 1 courgette, round slice into 1cm thick
  • 10 baby corns
  • 10 king prawns

For the coating:

  • 100g flour
  • eggs
  • 350g panko

For the frying:

  • 1 litre rapeseed oil
  • Ponzu sauce:
  • 2 tbsp yuzu dressing
  • 60ml shoyu (dark soy sauce)
  • 60ml mirin
  • 40ml rice vinegar
  • red radish, grated finely, drained liquid.
  • To make ponzu dressing, combine all the seasonings, serve with grated radish.

Goma miso sauce:

  • 4 tbsp organic miso paste
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp mirin
  • 1 tbsp sake
  • 2 tbsp white sesame seeds, ground
  • To make goma miso sauce, combine the miso, brown sugar, mirin, sake and water in a small saucepan, then simmer with a low heat for 5 mins using the spatula until it becomes shiny paste.


  1. Skewer the cut pieces of courgette, and the rest of each ingredient on skewer. 
  2. For the coating, break the eggs in a large bowl and mix well. 
  3. Dust the ingredients lightly with flour holding by the skewers and dip them into the egg, then coat with panko. 
  4. Press them gently on the bed of panko to cover the ingredients. Leave them in the fridge for 10 minutes to set the panko.

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